Thabaqat Para Rawi Dan Pembagiannya Menurut Istilah..!
Hampir semua ahli hadist sepakat bahwa thabaqat ialah sekumpulan orang yang sebaya dalamusiadan dalam menemukan guru)Para rawi dibagi dalam beberapa thabaqat,yang murni sebagairasalah).Diantara para ahli ada yang memasukkan seluruh sahabat ke dalam satu kelompok thabaqat,lalu tabi’in pada thabaqat kedua,kemudian orang-orang sesudah mereka pada thabaqat ketiga.Pembagian ini berpegang pada sabda Nabi saw.”Kurun yang lebih baik adalah kurunku,kemudian orang-orang sesudah mereka,kemudian orang-orang sesudah mereka.”Rasulullah saw.menyebutkan dua atau tiga kurun lagi sesudah kurun beliau.
Ada pula ulama yang membagi para sahabat dalam beberap thabaqat,lalu pengelompokkan diteruskan kepada para tabi’in dan orang –orang sesudah mereka.Masing-masing kelompok dibagi dalam beberap thabaqat.
Pembagian cermat terhadap satu kelompok itu,membuat terhimpunnya individu-individu kelompok tersebut menurut sifatnya masing-masing.Dalam thabaqat sahabat minsalnya,berbagai kelompok bertemu dalam bertemu dalam sifatnya tertentu:ada pemeluk islam yang lebih awal,ada yang tergolong muhajirin,dan ada yang pelaku peperangan. Abu BAKAR ,umpamanya ,termasuk kedalam empat thabaqat sekaligus: sahabat Nabi, termasuk,pemeluk agama islam,yang mendapat kabar gembira bakal masuk sorga,dan muhajirin.setiap orang yang memiliki kesamaan dengan salah satusifat ini,ia berda dalam satu thabaqat dengan Abu Bakar.
Dari sinilah mulai lahirnya thabaqat sahabat dan thabaqat tabi’in,berdasarkan beragam pertimbangan dan perbedaan sudut pandangan yang menjadi pertimbangan untuk klasifikasinya.
Thabaqat Para Rawi Menurut Pembagian Ibnu Hajar
Ibnu Hajar al-Asqalani telah berusaha meringkas thabaqat para rawi sejak masa sahabat hingga akhir masa periwyatan.Pembagiannya terdiri dari 12 thabaqat,yang hanya terdiri dari kelompok orang yang mempunyai riwayat dalam AL-Kutub as-Sittah.
Pertama : Sahabat dengan berbagai tingkatannya.
Kedua : Thabaqat tabi’in pertma,seperti sa’id bin Musayyab.
Ketiga : Thabaqat tabi’ in pertengahan,seperti AL-Hasan dan Ibnu sirin
Keempat : Thabaqat urutan berikutnya,periwywtan mereka umumnya bersumber dari tabi’in seperti AZ-Zuhri dan Qatadah.
Kelima : Thabaqat tabi’in akhir yang tidak dapat dipastikan bahw mereka mendengaran penuturan hadist secara langsung dari sahabat.termasuk dalam thabaqat ini adalah AL-A’masi.
Keenam : Orang- orang yang tampil bersama thabaqat kelima,tetapi dapat dipastikan bahwa mereka tidak pernah bertemu dengan salah seorang sahabat Rasulullah saw.Diantara mereka termasuk Ibn Juraij.
Ketujuh : Thabaqat atba’ut-tabi’in (sesudah tabi’in) yang pertama,seprti Malik bin Anas dan Sufyan ats-Tsauri.
Kedelapan : Atba’ut-tabi’in pertengahan,seperti Ibnu Uyainah dan Ibnu Ulayyah.
Kesembilan : Thabaqat atba’ut-tabi’in akhir.Dalam kelompok ini termasuk Abu Dawud,Ath-Thayalisi dan Asy-Syafi’i.
Kesepuluh : Orang-orang pertama yang mengutip dari atb’ut-tabi’in, yang tidak pernah bertemu dengan para tabi’in,sepertiAhmad bin Hanbal.
Kesebelas : Thabaqat pertengahan dari orang-orang yang mengutip atba’ut-tabi’in , seperti Adz-Dzuhli dan AL-Bukhari.
Keduabelas : Orang-orang terkhir yang mengutip dari atba’ut-tabi’in,seprti At-Tirmidzi.
Mengetahui thabaqat para rawi dapat meniadakan kerancuan,mencegah bercampur-aduknya nama-nama dan gelar-gelar yang serupa.Bagi peneliti, pengetahuan tentang thabaqat akan memberi mereka pemahaman akan bentuk-bentuk tadlis,inqitha’dan irsal.Karena itu,kami ingin memaparkan thabaqat-thabaqat terpenting berikut biografi para perawi dalam setiap thabaqat.jadi,kita mempelajarithabaqat sahabat,thabaqat tabi’in,dan thabaqat atba’ut-tabi’in.
Pengertian Thabaqat Sahabat
Menurut para ulama,yang disebut” sahabat” adalah orang yang bertemu dengan Nabi s.a.w. dalam keadaan beriman dan meniggal dunia sebagai pemeluk agama islam.Pertemuan dengan Nabi s.a.w.meskipun hanya sejenak,merupakan suatu seharusan.Rja Najasyi,minsalnya,tidak dianggap sebagai sahabat,sebab kendati ia beriman kepada Rasulullah s.a.w .tetapi tidak bertemu dengan beliau.seorang anak,asal berakal dan cerdik,serta memenuhi criteria itubisa saja dimasukkan dalam kategori sahabat.bahkan anak-anak dengan tingkatan kecerdasan lebih rendah,asal sudah dapat memahami pembicaraan dan memberikan jawaban,seperti AL-Hasan dan AL –Husain – keduanya putra Ali – serta Mahmud bin ar-rabi’.Demikian menurut An-Nawawi dan AL-Iraqi.
Para ulama membuat beberapa ketentuan ,dan apabila salah satu daripadanya terpenuhi,sudah dapat bagi seseorang disebut sahabat Nabi s.a.w. yang terpenting ialah:
Pertama : Sudah diketahui secara luas kesahabatannya,seperti sepuluh orang sahabat yang mendapat kabar gembira akan masuk sorga.mereke adalah khulafa’ar-rasyidin (Abu Bakar,Umar,Utsman dan Ali),sa’adbin Abi Waqqash,Sa’id bin Zaid,Thalhah bin Ubadillah,Az-Zubair bin al-awwam,Abdurrahman bin Auf dan Abu Ubaidah Amir bi al-jarrah.kita telah memaklumi bahwa kesahabatan Abu Bakar telah ditetapkan dalam AL-Qur’an:” Ketika ia(Muhammad)berkata kepada sahabatnya:jangan kamu berduka-cita,sungguh Allah bserta kita.” (At-Taubah40)
Kedua : dikenal meskipun tidak begitu luas kesahabatnya seperti Dlimam bin Tsa’labah dan Akasyah Bin Muhashin.
Ketiga : pengukuhan sahabat dikenal bahwa sifulan adalah sahabat,
Keempat : pengakuan seorang yang terkenal adil dan terpercaya dan melingkupi batas waktu yang mungkin. Para ulama menentukan batas waktu yang mungkin itu tidak melewati tahun 110 H.
Oleh eh karena itu adalah wajar bila para ulama menolak pengakuan kesahabatan yang dilakukan oleh Jafar Bin Nastur ar-rumi sesudah tahun 200 H. dan Sarbatik al-Hindi yang wafat pada 333H.
Ibnu shalah, Ibnu Abdil Barr dan An Nawawi mengemukakan kesepakatan ulama tentang keadilan sahabat, dalam Al-Qur’an dan Hadis terdapat isyarat mengenai keutamaan dan keadilan para sahabat. Allah SWT. Berfirman :
Artinya “ kalian umat terbaik yang dilahirkan untuk manusia ,”. (ali – imran : 110)
Artinya : “ dan demikian pula kami telah menjadikan kalian sebagai umat yang adil dan pilihan, agar kalian menjadi saksi atas (perbuatan) manusia.” (al – baqarah : 143)
Diantara sahabat yang di anggap banyak meriwayatkan hadis nabi lebih dari seribu. Ada tujuh orang:
1. Abu Hurairah sebanyak 5.374 hadis
2. Ibnu Umar, 2.630 hadis
3. Anas Bin Malik, 2.286 hadis
4. Sayyidah Aisyah, 2.210 hadis
5. Abdullah Bin Abbas 1.660 hadis
6. Jabir Bin Abdullah, 1.540 hadis
7. Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri, 1.170 hadis
Dalam tahaqat nya, ibnu sa’ad hanya mengelompokkan sahabat dalalm lima thabaqat. Jumlah thabaqat meningkat menjadi : 12 thabaqat menurut urutannya yang lebih dahulu memeluk islam, hijrah dan mengikuti peperangan .
Pertama : mereka lebih dulu masuk islam, yaitu orang –orang yang beriman dimekkah, seperti halnya sepuluh sahabat nabi yang mendapat khabar masuk surga, serta khadijah dan bilal.
Kedua : anggota dar an-nadwah yang memeluk islam sesudah umar masuk islam,
Ketiga : para sahabat yang hijrah ke habasyah pada tahun sesudah rasulullah di utus. Mereka terdiri dari 11 laki-laki dan 4 wanita. Dan pengikut sahabat yang berjumlah 83 orang.
Keempat : pengikut perjanjian aqabah pertama. Mereka adalah 12 sahabat.
Kelima : pengikut perjanjian aqabah kedua, yang memeluk agama islam tahun pertama. Mereka terdiri dari 70 sahabat anshar diserta dua orang wanita.
Keenam : para sahabat muhajirin yang sampai kemadinah , ketika nabi s.a.w. masih berada di quba, menjelang memasuki madinah.
Ketujuh : para pengikut perang badar.
Kedelapan : para sahabat yang hijrah diantara peristiwa perang badar dan hudaibiyah.
Kesembilan : para sahabat yang melakukan bai’at di bawah pohon di hudaibiyah (bai’ah ar-ridwan).
Kesepuluh : para sahabat yang berhijrah sebelum penaklukan mekkah dan sesedah peristiwa hudaibiyah.
Kesebelas : para sahabat yang memeluk islam pada saat penaklukan mekkah.
Kedua belas : anak-anak yang melihat nabi s.a.wi penaklukan mekkah dan haji wada’.
Thabaqat Tabi’in Dan Atba’ut –Tabi’in
A. Thabaqat Tabi’in
Para ulama memberikan batasan bahwa Tabi’in ialah orang yang bertemu dengan sahabat dan beriman kepada Nabi. s.a.w. serta meninggal dunia dalam keadaan beriman kepada islam. Al-Qur’an dan Hadis memberi kesaksian tentang keutamaan thabaqat ini. Firman Allah: “ orang – orang yang terdahulu lagi pertama – tama (masuk islam) di antara orang-orang Muhajirn dan Anshar, dan orang –orang yang mengikuti mereka dengan baik, Allah rela kepada mereka dan merekapun rela kepada Allah.”(At-taubah:100) rasululah bersabda : “ berbahagialah orang yang melihat orang yang melihatku.” Dan “ kurun terbaik adalah kurun ku, kemudian orang –orang sesudah mereka.”
B. Thabaqat Atba’ut – Tabi’in
Atba’ut – Tabi’in (pengikut Tabi’in), yaitu orang yang bertemu dengan Tabi’in, beriman kepada Nabi s.a.w. dan meninggal dunia dalam keadaan memeluk islam, para ulama beranggapan bahwa Imam Malik Bin Anas dan Iman Syafi’i termasuk kedalam thabaqat ini. Sedangkan Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal di anggap termasuk thabaqat sesudah Atba’ut – Tabi’in. sebab pada tahun 241 H. sedangkan periode Atba’ut – Tabi’in terakhir pada 220 H.
Dalam Pengantar Study Ilmu Hadis Mengenal Para Perawi adalah sebagai berikut :
A. Muttafaq Dan Muftaraq
Yaitu yang maksud “Muttafaq” dan “Muftaraq” adalah “ nama perawi sama dengan nama ayah nya, baik sama dalam tulisan ataupun bacaan nya. Sedangkan sebenarnya mereka orang yang berbeda.”
Contoh :
1. Nama Al-Khalil Bin Ahmad menjadi nama untuk enam orang, orang yang pertama yang mempunyai nama itu adalah guru sibawaihi.
2. Nama Ahmad bin Ja’far Bin Hamdan adalah nama yang dimiliki oleh empat yang hidup dalam satu masa.
Adapun manfaat dari mengetahui hal ini adalah menghindari karacuan, bisa jadi orang banyak mempunyai nama yang sama di anggap satu orang,
B. Mu’talaf Dan Mukhtalaf
Yang dimaksud dengan “Mu’talaf” dan “Mukhtalaf .” sesuatu yang sama tulisannya akan tetapi berbeda bacaannya, baik berupa nama, gelar, panggilan dan nasab.”
Conto :
1. “Salam” dengan “Sallam”, tulisannya sama namun bacaannya berbeda.
C. Mutasyabih
Mutasyabih adalah kesamaan nama – nama para perawi baik tulisannya maupun bacaanya, sedangkan nama-nama ayah mereka berbeda bacaanya namun tulisannya sama atau sebaliknya, nama ayah mereka sama tulisannya dan bacaannya sedangkan nama mereka berbeda bacaannya namun sama tulisannya.
Contoh :
1. “Muhammad bin uqail; dengan :Muhammad bin aqil”, yang pertama huruf ain dalalm nama ayahnya dibaca dhammah sedangkan yang kedua di baca fathah.
Pengantar Study Ilmu Hadis
Selasa, 29 Maret 2011
stress phonology
Stress is a suprasegmental feature of utterances. It applies not to individual vowels and consonants but to whole syllable – whatever they might be. A stressed syllable is pronounced with a greater amount of energy than an unstressed syllable and is more primainent in the flow of speech.
English and other Germanic languages make far more use of differences in stress than do most of the languages of the world. In many languages, the position of the stress is fixed iin relation to the word. Czech words nearly always have the stress on the first syllable, irrespective of the number of syllables in the word. In polish and Swahili, the stress is usually on the penultimate syllable.
Variation in the use of stress cause different languages to have different rhythms, but stress is only one factor in causing rhythmic differences. Because it can appear to be a major factor , it used to be said that some languages (such as french) could be called syllable – timed languages, in which syllables tned to recur at regular intervals of time. In contrast, English and pother Germanic languages were called stress – timed in that stressese were said to be dominating feature of the rhythmic timing. We now know that is not true. In contemporary French there are aften strong stresses breaking the rhythm of a sentence. In English the rhythm of a sentence depends on several interecting factors, not just the stress. Perhaps a better way describing stress deffer ences among languages would be to divide languages into those that have variable word stress (such as English and Germanic ) those that have fixed word stress (such as Czech , Polish , and Swahili ), and those that have fixed phrase stress (such as Frenc ).
In contrast to the nature of syllable , the nature of stress is fairly well understood. Stressed sounds are those on the speaker expends more muscular energy. This usually involves pushing out more air from the lungs by contracting the muscles of the rib cage, and perhaps increasing the pitch by the use of the laryngeal mucles. The extra activity may result in giving the sound greater length. There may also be increases in the muscular activity involved in the articulary movements.
When there is an increase in the amount of air being pushed out of the lungs, there is increase in the loudness of the sound produced. Some books define stress simply in terms of loudness, but this is not a very useful definition if loudness considered to be simply a metter of te amount of acoustic energy involved. We have already noted that some sounds have more acoustic energy than others because of factors such as the degree of mount opening.
A much more important indication of stress iin the rise in pitch, which may or may not be due to laryngeal action. You can check for your self that an increase in the flow of air out of the lungs causes a rise in pitch even without an increase in the activity of the laryngeal muscles. Ask a friend to press against the lower part of your chest while you stand against a wall with your eyes shut. Now say a ong vowel on a steady ptch and have your friend push against your chest at an unexpected moment. You will find that at the same time as there is an increase in the flow of air out of your lungs (as a result of your friend’s push), there will also be an increase in the pitch f the vowel.
There is final factor to note when discussing stress in English. We saw in charpter 5 that a syllable in English is either stressed or not stressed. If it is stressed it can be at the center of an intonational ptch change so that it receives a tonic accent, which might be said to raise it to a more primary level of stress. If it is unstressed it can have a full vowel or a reduced vowel. In some views, a reduced vowel implies that there is a lower level of stress, but in the view expressed here this is not a metter of stress but of vowel quality. We also saw that there are pairs of words, such as ‘(an) insult’ and (to) insult that differ only in stress. What happens when these words appear to lose their stress because of a heavy stress elsewhere in the sentence ? consider a pair of sentences such as ‘he need an increase in price’ and, with an equally strong stress on ‘needed’, ‘he needed to increase the price’. The answer in that the stress difference between the two words is not completely lost. There may be no changes in pitch associated with the difference in stress, but there are still differences in the relative lengths of the syllables. A stressed syllable is pronounced with a greater amount of energy than an unstressed syllable, and this difference may be manifested simply in the length of the syllable.
Stress is a suprasegmental feature of utterances. It applies not to individual vowels and consonants but to whole syllable – whatever they might be. A stressed syllable is pronounced with a greater amount of energy than an unstressed syllable and is more primainent in the flow of speech.
English and other Germanic languages make far more use of differences in stress than do most of the languages of the world. In many languages, the position of the stress is fixed iin relation to the word. Czech words nearly always have the stress on the first syllable, irrespective of the number of syllables in the word. In polish and Swahili, the stress is usually on the penultimate syllable.
Variation in the use of stress cause different languages to have different rhythms, but stress is only one factor in causing rhythmic differences. Because it can appear to be a major factor , it used to be said that some languages (such as french) could be called syllable – timed languages, in which syllables tned to recur at regular intervals of time. In contrast, English and pother Germanic languages were called stress – timed in that stressese were said to be dominating feature of the rhythmic timing. We now know that is not true. In contemporary French there are aften strong stresses breaking the rhythm of a sentence. In English the rhythm of a sentence depends on several interecting factors, not just the stress. Perhaps a better way describing stress deffer ences among languages would be to divide languages into those that have variable word stress (such as English and Germanic ) those that have fixed word stress (such as Czech , Polish , and Swahili ), and those that have fixed phrase stress (such as Frenc ).
In contrast to the nature of syllable , the nature of stress is fairly well understood. Stressed sounds are those on the speaker expends more muscular energy. This usually involves pushing out more air from the lungs by contracting the muscles of the rib cage, and perhaps increasing the pitch by the use of the laryngeal mucles. The extra activity may result in giving the sound greater length. There may also be increases in the muscular activity involved in the articulary movements.
When there is an increase in the amount of air being pushed out of the lungs, there is increase in the loudness of the sound produced. Some books define stress simply in terms of loudness, but this is not a very useful definition if loudness considered to be simply a metter of te amount of acoustic energy involved. We have already noted that some sounds have more acoustic energy than others because of factors such as the degree of mount opening.
A much more important indication of stress iin the rise in pitch, which may or may not be due to laryngeal action. You can check for your self that an increase in the flow of air out of the lungs causes a rise in pitch even without an increase in the activity of the laryngeal muscles. Ask a friend to press against the lower part of your chest while you stand against a wall with your eyes shut. Now say a ong vowel on a steady ptch and have your friend push against your chest at an unexpected moment. You will find that at the same time as there is an increase in the flow of air out of your lungs (as a result of your friend’s push), there will also be an increase in the pitch f the vowel.
There is final factor to note when discussing stress in English. We saw in charpter 5 that a syllable in English is either stressed or not stressed. If it is stressed it can be at the center of an intonational ptch change so that it receives a tonic accent, which might be said to raise it to a more primary level of stress. If it is unstressed it can have a full vowel or a reduced vowel. In some views, a reduced vowel implies that there is a lower level of stress, but in the view expressed here this is not a metter of stress but of vowel quality. We also saw that there are pairs of words, such as ‘(an) insult’ and (to) insult that differ only in stress. What happens when these words appear to lose their stress because of a heavy stress elsewhere in the sentence ? consider a pair of sentences such as ‘he need an increase in price’ and, with an equally strong stress on ‘needed’, ‘he needed to increase the price’. The answer in that the stress difference between the two words is not completely lost. There may be no changes in pitch associated with the difference in stress, but there are still differences in the relative lengths of the syllables. A stressed syllable is pronounced with a greater amount of energy than an unstressed syllable, and this difference may be manifested simply in the length of the syllable.
The ASSURE model incorporates robert gagne’s event of instruction to assurel, effective use of media in instruction.
Analyze learners
Before you can begin, you must know your target audience (your student). You need to write down the following information about your student:
General characteristics – grade, age, ethenic group, sex, mental, emotional, physical, or social problems , socieoconomic level, and so on.spesific entry copetencies – prior knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Learning styles – verbal, and , logical, visual, musical, structured, and so on.
State objectives
Once you know your student, you can begin writing the objectives of your lesson. Objectives are the learning outcomes, that is, what will the student get out of the lesson?
The ABCD’s of writing objectives are:
- Audience (who are your student?)
- Behavior to be demonstrated
- Conditions under which the behavior will be observed
- Degree to which the learned skiils are to be mastered.
Example:fifth grade social studies student (audience) will be able to name at least 90% (degree) of the state capitols (behavior) when given a list of states (condition).
Select instructional methods, media, and materials
Once you know your student and have a clear idea of what they should get out of the lesson, then you are ready to select the;
- instructional method that you feel is most appropriate to meet the objectives for these particular students
- media that would be best suited to work with your instructional method, the objectives, and your students, media could be text, still images, video, audio, and computer multimedia.
- Material that provide your student with the help they need in mastering the objectives. Materials might be purchased and used as is or they might need some modifications. You can also design and create your own materials for the student to use. Materials would be specific software programs, music, videotapes, images, but would also be equipment, i.e., overhead projector, computer, printer, scanner, TV, laserdisc player, VCR, and so on.
Utilize media and materials
Now it’s time to do your lesson and use the media and materials that you have selected. You should always preview the materials before using them in a class and you should also use the equipment in advance to be sure it works and you know how to use it. If you use electronic equipment, don’t assume that everything will work. Be sure to have a plan B. hardware and software are created by humans. Humans make mistakes and so software has mistakes in it. Hardware can malfunction. Don’t get d8iscouraged if technology lets you down. Make sure that your instructional materials are suitable
The ASSURE model incorporates robert gagne’s event of instruction to assurel, effective use of media in instruction.
Analyze learners
Before you can begin, you must know your target audience (your student). You need to write down the following information about your student:
General characteristics – grade, age, ethenic group, sex, mental, emotional, physical, or social problems , socieoconomic level, and so on.spesific entry copetencies – prior knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Learning styles – verbal, and , logical, visual, musical, structured, and so on.
State objectives
Once you know your student, you can begin writing the objectives of your lesson. Objectives are the learning outcomes, that is, what will the student get out of the lesson?
The ABCD’s of writing objectives are:
- Audience (who are your student?)
- Behavior to be demonstrated
- Conditions under which the behavior will be observed
- Degree to which the learned skiils are to be mastered.
Example:fifth grade social studies student (audience) will be able to name at least 90% (degree) of the state capitols (behavior) when given a list of states (condition).
Select instructional methods, media, and materials
Once you know your student and have a clear idea of what they should get out of the lesson, then you are ready to select the;
- instructional method that you feel is most appropriate to meet the objectives for these particular students
- media that would be best suited to work with your instructional method, the objectives, and your students, media could be text, still images, video, audio, and computer multimedia.
- Material that provide your student with the help they need in mastering the objectives. Materials might be purchased and used as is or they might need some modifications. You can also design and create your own materials for the student to use. Materials would be specific software programs, music, videotapes, images, but would also be equipment, i.e., overhead projector, computer, printer, scanner, TV, laserdisc player, VCR, and so on.
Utilize media and materials
Now it’s time to do your lesson and use the media and materials that you have selected. You should always preview the materials before using them in a class and you should also use the equipment in advance to be sure it works and you know how to use it. If you use electronic equipment, don’t assume that everything will work. Be sure to have a plan B. hardware and software are created by humans. Humans make mistakes and so software has mistakes in it. Hardware can malfunction. Don’t get d8iscouraged if technology lets you down. Make sure that your instructional materials are suitable
Selasa, 15 Maret 2011
mengenal produk lontong indonesia
lontong adalah salah satu probuk budaya rakyat indonesia. sebutan ini sangat akrab dengan sebuah makanan yang terbuat dari nasi yang dihaluskan kemudian dibukukan lalu dipotong kecil-kecil dan lontong pun siap untuk dihidangkan.
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